March 13, 2013

Coming soon...

We are currently sprouting the following cool weather plants:

 - Radishes ('French Breakfast,' they mature quickly... you'll be eating radishes in no time)
 - Pansies (assorted colors)
 - Zone 5 perennial wildflower mixes

And the following indoor tropicals/houseplants/windowsill plants:

 - Sweet Basil (can be planted outside when warmer weather arrives)
 - Jade plant (Crassula ovata species)
 - Pincushion cactus (Mammillaria, species unknown, probably zeilmanniana... super cute!)

These happy plants and many more will be available at the Glenwood Sunday Market starting in June... but they'll be ready to go home with you in early April! Please email us to pick up plants on-site.